Welcome to St. Luke's Anglican Church
Welcome to our website! On this site, you can explore St. Luke's Anglican Church, Dartmouth and learn about the various events and activities of our church. We have a variety of church groups and activities in which to participate: Anglican Church Women (ACW), Altar Guild, Choir, Joyful Noise (band), Men's Breakfast, Mother's Union, Sunday School, Time Out For Women (craft group), and the Tuesday Night Craft Group. Many of these programs and groups are being effected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in what programs are currently running.
You will notice that we take to heart the command of Jesus to love our neighbor. Our church supports the East Dartmouth Christian Food Bank, Feed Others Of Dartmouth, the Mission to Seafarers, Margaret's House, and a Christmas Hamper Program, in addition to other collections and donations for a variety of other outreach programs in our community. We make our hall available to community groups to use at low cost, including IODE and Girl Guides.
St. Luke's Church helps people mature in their faith by providing meaningful worship experiences, christian education programs, and evenings with guest speakers. We provide pastoral care to people through home and hospital visits. We support people as they mark major life moments such as baptisms, weddings and funerals. St. Luke's also has fundraisers to support the work of the church, but also to build relationships among our members.
Although a website is a great tool for information, it cannot provide you with the full church experience. You are invited to come and experience the welcome of our church family, the atmosphere of worship and the fellowship of our members. I suspect you will enjoy your experience.
The Reverend Matthew Sponagle